
How to feel about the show “Undercover Boss”.

Sometimes I catch myself watching the show Undercover Boss. For those unfamiliar, a CEO or “Boss” of a company or corporation enters their own company in disguise or as someone other than themselves. Usually an entry level employee or under the guise of a contestant looking to be awarded a franchise in said company or some such equivalent. Throughout the show they meet and interact with actual employees in “low level” roles. They do so in hopes of discovering or diagnosing problems or potential areas of improvement where they can advance the performance of their business. Beyond that, it is presented in such a way that paints the whole endeavor as a means to directly improve the day to day lives of all the employees within the business. In the end, a handful of workers are awarded heartwarming gestures of gratitude for their work ethic and dedication. While it is…

Sometimes I catch myself watching the show Undercover Boss. For those unfamiliar, a CEO or “Boss” of a company or corporation enters their own company in disguise or as someone other than themselves. Usually an entry level employee or under the guise of a contestant looking to be awarded a franchise in said company or some such equivalent. Throughout the show they meet and interact with actual employees in “low level” roles. They do so in hopes of discovering or diagnosing problems or potential areas of improvement where they can advance the performance of their business. Beyond that, it is presented in such a way that paints the whole endeavor as a means to directly improve the day to day lives of all the employees within the business. In the end, a handful of workers are awarded heartwarming gestures of gratitude for their work ethic and dedication. While it is touching to see these loyal employees be rewarded for their hard work in life changing ways , we are looking at billion dollar companies masturbate themselves while releasing what is essentially ego stroking propaganda so Greedy Co. LLC. can show everyone how compassionate they are. I don’t know anyone who has ever been on the show, nor have I worked for any of these companies, so I can’t speak one way or the other to the authenticity of a given companies intentions. Anyone else familiar with the show or have any opinions they might like to share?

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