
How to fix this (soliciting advice)

Essentially, my former employer, an independent corporate service provider, took a giant dump on me. A supervisor, in a fit of frustration, was throwing work items…one hits me in the face, knocking off my glasses and breaking them (a bunch of heavy shit fell on top of them after they flew off my face). My job at the time required probably 95% driving during my work hours…and I'm nearly legally blind without then. Was heavily pressured to meet job expectation regardless. Somehow made it thru my day and got home, but notified my senior supervisor that I wouldn't be driving anywhere or returning to work without my glasses being replaced (way too risky and actually a jail-able offense in my state). Didn't quit, didn't get fired…but after 3 days of no response, I was removed from the schedule. Got a lawyer to file a claim against their workers compensation, but…

Essentially, my former employer, an independent corporate service provider, took a giant dump on me.

A supervisor, in a fit of frustration, was throwing work items…one hits me in the face, knocking off my glasses and breaking them (a bunch of heavy shit fell on top of them after they flew off my face).

My job at the time required probably 95% driving during my work hours…and I'm nearly legally blind without then.

Was heavily pressured to meet job expectation regardless.

Somehow made it thru my day and got home, but notified my senior supervisor that I wouldn't be driving anywhere or returning to work without my glasses being replaced (way too risky and actually a jail-able offense in my state).

Didn't quit, didn't get fired…but after 3 days of no response, I was removed from the schedule.

Got a lawyer to file a claim against their workers compensation, but the problem is that the lawyers office can't find an insurance company that holds their policy. Even with residing in a state where companies have to register the holder of their workers compensation with the Secretary of State (insurance company listed no longer holds their policy).

Any ideas on how to find hidden insurance?

And if no insurance is/was actually in place, what's the best direction to go? Are there agencies to report such things to? Best to just file a small claims suit against the owner individually? Or do I just chaulk it up as a life's lesson and move on and forget about it?

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