
How to gather collateral

I'm trying to balance the precarious position I'm in right now. I work for a university, making an embarrassingly low amount of money and was not given a raise at one year. Actually, at my one year I was essentially told my boss would “try her best” but the university dictates my salary. Fine. I should have not fed into the lie she told about a raise after one year. As most eager workers trying to do good and help people, I put my ALL into this job for over a year. Taking on multiple roles, responsibilities, and basically doing anything and everything asked. Now, my boss is pushing me to write grants for us to get funding for various programs we run. I'm excited about this because it is part of the job description and I was really excited to get more experience and learn more about education work.…

I'm trying to balance the precarious position I'm in right now.

I work for a university, making an embarrassingly low amount of money and was not given a raise at one year. Actually, at my one year I was essentially told my boss would “try her best” but the university dictates my salary. Fine. I should have not fed into the lie she told about a raise after one year.

As most eager workers trying to do good and help people, I put my ALL into this job for over a year. Taking on multiple roles, responsibilities, and basically doing anything and everything asked.

Now, my boss is pushing me to write grants for us to get funding for various programs we run. I'm excited about this because it is part of the job description and I was really excited to get more experience and learn more about education work. I hadn't been able to write because I was literally taking on too much despite working overtime.

I'm sure we are in a difficult financial situation as most of academia, but I'm finally putting my foot down and not working outside of office hours.

She makes comments like “you aren't doing to job you were hired to do”, “find a way to do this outside of your day job”, “the post docs can do it and continue research, you should too”. All implying I'm to put MORE work in with still no promise or a raise, title advancement, or even real recognition from her.

I'm trying to balance completing my task lists and maintaining my questions become:

If she does fire me for not “doing what I was hired to do”, but she has literally not given me actual time to work on these items would I have a case against the university?

How can I document my work load and that it infact is more then 40 hours a week? One person quit right after I was hired and they were never replaced, I took on their work load. Another person left and I helped carry the responsibilities for that role for half a year before they were transitioned to the new hire.

I'm struggling right now with a boss that isn't capable of managing but comes from a place of “I can do all this myself”. I just want some protections while I find myself another job.

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