
How to get a manager fired

Technically, he’s just an assistant manager. Our team is divided into three groups and each group has some sort of a leader aka assistant manager. They are called assistant manager because they don’t have HR powers and only lead projects. There are three of us under this AM and he sort of leads three projects, where in each of us separately work. But he is aweful. He doesn’t know project management. He’s not technically brilliant either that we don’t rely on him to come up with a solution we haven’t already thought ourselves. Anyway, all three of us agree that he’s just a bad manager and leader. He works hard, if you call having meetings everyday work, but he doesn’t know how to lead. He doesn’t set a goal but always assign tasks. I feel bad for our other two team mates because they are younger and just do what…

Technically, he’s just an assistant manager. Our team is divided into three groups and each group has some sort of a leader aka assistant manager. They are called assistant manager because they don’t have HR powers and only lead projects.

There are three of us under this AM and he sort of leads three projects, where in each of us separately work. But he is aweful. He doesn’t know project management. He’s not technically brilliant either that we don’t rely on him to come up with a solution we haven’t already thought ourselves.

Anyway, all three of us agree that he’s just a bad manager and leader. He works hard, if you call having meetings everyday work, but he doesn’t know how to lead. He doesn’t set a goal but always assign tasks. I feel bad for our other two team mates because they are younger and just do what he says. I, on the other hand, fight back. Sometimes, I can save them when he’s trying to ask them to do a task we all know isn’t going to be needed or won’t help us reach project goals.

He’s obsessed with reporting. In the past two years, he had multiple projects, one had 1M dollar budget, and none got into production. He sets up the task so he can “report” progress all the time. What I feel is that he does this to get “partial points” so that when a project fails, it’s not a complete 100% failure.

We already had one really smart team member left because of him. I tried to explain to my team mates that he is not the company, and that there are still a lot of opportunities if they just overlook this guy and focus on the good side of things. But both of them are already frustrated and I fear they will quit, too.

He also already had two other team mates previously, before I joined the company two years ago. No need to say, they already left.

What I am seeing is that, no one wants to work with him because of his lack of so many things you’d want someone to have to want you to follow him.

So, before he makes any more damage, how do we get him fired?

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