
How to handle mini manger that has climbed over everyone one to put herself at the top?

Our unofficial-official, mini manager has been throwing everyone under the bus for months and been one of the densest hypocrites I’ve ever seen. When the real manager is not around she breaks multiple rules and slacks off more than any of us while simultaneously enforcing said rules. But she’s managed to make everyone but herself look like sh*t to the point that the real manager (second to the boss) has basically deemed everyone a screw-up and lazy and even threatened to encourage the boss to withhold our annual raises or cut our current wages. However, we have finally all seen through her shenanigans and are finally saying the quite part out loud, to at least each other anyway. But where do we go from here? Go to the real manager and point out the bull crap? Throw her under the bus like she’s been doing to us for months? Confront…

Our unofficial-official, mini manager has been throwing everyone under the bus for months and been one of the densest hypocrites I’ve ever seen. When the real manager is not around she breaks multiple rules and slacks off more than any of us while simultaneously enforcing said rules. But she’s managed to make everyone but herself look like sh*t to the point that the real manager (second to the boss) has basically deemed everyone a screw-up and lazy and even threatened to encourage the boss to withhold our annual raises or cut our current wages.

However, we have finally all seen through her shenanigans and are finally saying the quite part out loud, to at least each other anyway.

But where do we go from here? Go to the real manager and point out the bull crap? Throw her under the bus like she’s been doing to us for months? Confront her? However, I think she is just on the verge of moving into a position that is officially above us, and I worry that by then she will have more power than she does now and it will be too late.

Any suggestions?

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