
how to handle upcoming 1:1 with passive aggressive/micromanaging boss?

hi everyone. thank you again for your advice on my previous post (micromanaging boss) i’ve taken your advice and started looking for new opportunities, but until then unfortunately my woes continue with my manager. the other day she asked me to do a last minute urgent task of invoicing something. without going into too many unnecessary details we essentially discovered in our back and forth that i was looking at a different document than she was for further info on how to invoice this. i was trained by my coworkers, who had taught me to use a training document while she believed i was supposed to be working out of a spreadsheet. turns out that the training document already includes the info from the spreadsheet and it’s something my coworkers trained me on seemingly without her knowing. despite me explaining this and that i was completely unaware about this spreadsheet,…

hi everyone. thank you again for your advice on my previous post (micromanaging boss) i’ve taken your advice and started looking for new opportunities, but until then unfortunately my woes continue with my manager. the other day she asked me to do a last minute urgent task of invoicing something. without going into too many unnecessary details we essentially discovered in our back and forth that i was looking at a different document than she was for further info on how to invoice this. i was trained by my coworkers, who had taught me to use a training document while she believed i was supposed to be working out of a spreadsheet. turns out that the training document already includes the info from the spreadsheet and it’s something my coworkers trained me on seemingly without her knowing. despite me explaining this and that i was completely unaware about this spreadsheet, she grills me and says there’s no way i hadn’t been trained to use it because my coworkers knew to use this sheet, and that i need to explain to her in our 1:1 why i haven’t been using it. i’m generally a passive person, and i can absolutely admit when i’ve made a mistake. however, if i haven’t i’m not going to just back down either. i’m not sure how to address this in a way that advocates for myself while also not throwing anyone under the bus or sounding defensive, does anyone have any advice or experience with a similar situation? also a side note – i actually still have all of my training notes and even recorded all of the trainings given to me. i recorded it for learning purposes but i’m definitely glad i did now in hindsight i’m willing to bet everything that a spreadsheet wasn’t mentioned ever.

tldr: boss has been increasingly passive aggressive bordering on hostile and accuses me of doing something incorrectly, i assert that i was trained incorrectly. how do i address this in our upcoming 1:1?

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