
How to handle work stress?

Work is super stressful just now its often good for a couple days or a week then the next its so stressful, how do you manage this? I find im emotionally exhausted and at home im so anxious and struggle to sleep at night for worry about the day ahead or trying to pre plan my day best i can. I try to switch off and spend as much time with my family as i can its hard though, is everyone the same?

Work is super stressful just now its often good for a couple days or a week then the next its so stressful, how do you manage this? I find im emotionally exhausted and at home im so anxious and struggle to sleep at night for worry about the day ahead or trying to pre plan my day best i can. I try to switch off and spend as much time with my family as i can its hard though, is everyone the same?

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