
How to make a lot of money and retire early and not work anymore.

First make a high six figure salary. Save it all and retire early. Did you already downvote me? I recognize this discussion is not what is typically discussed here in this sub. But This can be obtained. Please hear me out. Those who are willing to put some effort can obtain this goal. It is not without hard work and nothing is handed to any of us for free. I know, you already downvoted me and want to tell me to fuck off. But keep reading. It was recently reported that the Microsoft CEO salary dropped to $48M. CEO to grunt ratio is 250:1. Microsoft employs 220,000 employees worldwide. The average compensation per employee is $190k/year. I recognize that this does not mean everyone is making this high 6 figure salary and there certainly is a very large and wide spectrum. However, there are a lot of employees doing very…

First make a high six figure salary. Save it all and retire early.

Did you already downvote me? I recognize this discussion is not what is typically discussed here in this sub.

But This can be obtained. Please hear me out. Those who are willing to put some effort can obtain this goal. It is not without hard work and nothing is handed to any of us for free.

I know, you already downvoted me and want to tell me to fuck off. But keep reading.

It was recently reported that the Microsoft CEO salary dropped to $48M. CEO to grunt ratio is 250:1. Microsoft employs 220,000 employees worldwide. The average compensation per employee is $190k/year.

I recognize that this does not mean everyone is making this high 6 figure salary and there certainly is a very large and wide spectrum. However, there are a lot of employees doing very well let’s face it.

Now, also, there are thousands of similar large cap publicly traded companies with thousands of employees with million dollar CEOs in the same situation where the average employee is making nice 6 figure salaries bonuses and stock options.

So question: how does one get a position making this kind of salary which also comes with 5 figure bonuses and stock options?

I recently posted yesterday my path to this success. It was removed by the mods of another sub. I don’t know exactly why but the amount of anger, hate and doubt likely had something to do with it. But it kind of went like this: Get a college degree; a cheap one from an accredited state school. Don’t waste money on a fancy name school. Get your foot in the door in a Microsoft or Pfizer type job, any job, no matter the pay, (however even entry level will pay well) work hard, be dependable, outshine everyone, get experience, get promotions, fuck job loyalty, bounce from job to job getting salary increases along the way at each job hop. After 4 – 5 job hops you should be well into the range I’m talking about.

Now I agree that this is a very simplistic vision and it may come off ignorant but it is a Reddit post so I have to give the readers digest version. So there’s a bit more to it and certainly some element of luck, right time right place, charisma, knowing the right people etc…… is needed.
There are also many other tactics other than mine to get to the middle class.
There’s also no guarantee.
And some people may have an unfair disadvantage. As well as an unfair advantage.

But the simple reality is if you’re willing to work a little hard and follow those steps the odds are very much in your favor as opposed to clocking a 9-5 dead end job.

There are lots of people in this world that are pulling these salaries. It’s not a unicorn.

So do this, save all your money, don’t waste money on nonsense and retire early.

This was my path and I will retire at 50 with a current salary of $250k + 20-25% bonus and 20% stock

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