
How to make it through every grueling fruitless day until I can get a new job?

I've been with my employer nearly 15 years. Doing good, steady work, it doesn't make me want to pull my hair out and scream every day. Until last year, we have a new boss. I've worked with her the whole time I've been employed here and thought we got a long fine. As soon as she started her job last March, it's like she's doing everything in her power to get rid of me. My workload hasn't changed, I'm still doing what I've always been doing, but now I'm being told “performance issues, here's a letter of instruction, blah blah blah.”. (I work for state government so it's really difficult for them to get rid of permanent employees). Got another letter of instruction today right after I came back from my annual leave, like they spent the time I was gone trying their damndest to see what else they can…

I've been with my employer nearly 15 years. Doing good, steady work, it doesn't make me want to pull my hair out and scream every day.

Until last year, we have a new boss. I've worked with her the whole time I've been employed here and thought we got a long fine.

As soon as she started her job last March, it's like she's doing everything in her power to get rid of me. My workload hasn't changed, I'm still doing what I've always been doing, but now I'm being told “performance issues, here's a letter of instruction, blah blah blah.”. (I work for state government so it's really difficult for them to get rid of permanent employees).

Got another letter of instruction today right after I came back from my annual leave, like they spent the time I was gone trying their damndest to see what else they can find to get rid of me.

In the meantime, I'm applying for other government jobs, getting some interviews…

But like the title says, how do you get through the days until you can put in that quit notice?

Any tips to keep me positive and make it through these crappy days?

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