
How to make the most of my part time job

I have a full time 9-5, and have also recently started working in a betting shop 8pm-4am Fri&sat, which entails being stood still for 6.5 of my 8 hours shift with nothing to do, i can’t read a book, go on my phone, even walk around or do light exercise, so i feel i’m stood doing nothing and being paid little for it. Do you have any recommendations of ways i can get some benefit and relief from boredom during this? I have long hair so i can keep my airpods in unnoticed so have been listening to music but that can only entertain me for so long on these long hours, im looking to learn, develop skills etc. I know it’s an unusual request but thanks all for any suggestions to take advantage of doing nothing for hours on end basically.

I have a full time 9-5, and have also recently started working in a betting shop 8pm-4am Fri&sat, which entails being stood still for 6.5 of my 8 hours shift with nothing to do, i can’t read a book, go on my phone, even walk around or do light exercise, so i feel i’m stood doing nothing and being paid little for it. Do you have any recommendations of ways i can get some benefit and relief from boredom during this? I have long hair so i can keep my airpods in unnoticed so have been listening to music but that can only entertain me for so long on these long hours, im looking to learn, develop skills etc. I know it’s an unusual request but thanks all for any suggestions to take advantage of doing nothing for hours on end basically.

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