
How to protect yourself against a new toxic manager?

Team restructured and this chump was brought in before then. Now I’ve worked with him loosely for a couple of months he is a walking red flag. He is combative (especially towards our manager in meetings), he never shuts up (his way is right ofc), he disagrees with almost all company plans, and even makes derogatory passing comments about people in manual jobs etc. He just seems like a thoroughly angry man with a veneer of “I know everything about anything”. He is already taking passive aggressive pops at me. In the past I’d be a fixer and try to improve the relationship, now I just want to get to a place where I don’t care. Thing is, I kind of suck at public speaking and he won’t shut up. He’s one of those archetypal middle management characters. I don’t see how making meetings run over, constantly talking about yourself…

Team restructured and this chump was brought in before then. Now I’ve worked with him loosely for a couple of months he is a walking red flag. He is combative (especially towards our manager in meetings), he never shuts up (his way is right ofc), he disagrees with almost all company plans, and even makes derogatory passing comments about people in manual jobs etc. He just seems like a thoroughly angry man with a veneer of “I know everything about anything”. He is already taking passive aggressive pops at me. In the past I’d be a fixer and try to improve the relationship, now I just want to get to a place where I don’t care. Thing is, I kind of suck at public speaking and he won’t shut up. He’s one of those archetypal middle management characters. I don’t see how making meetings run over, constantly talking about yourself or off topic things and boring people to death is way more preferable than a nervous speaker but that’s subjective and I’m working on it. My manager has shown in the past he won’t dismiss bad employees so how do I handle this bozo when I have to?

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