
how to quit after 2 week?

so hear me out… LOL i’ve worked at 2 main job companies that have been amazing. One a dance studio for 3 years as a desk receptionist- absolutely LOVED that job. Then 2 years as a cashier and 1 and a curbside assistant for a grocery story. both amazing companies- i had some issues at both but just like any other jobs i could overcome it. when i made a mistake i was gently reminded and never did it again- and if i did i was just reminded. if i needed to do something i was simply told “hey! whenever you get a chance can you please do ___” or “hey! i noticed when you were cleaning this area, you missed a spot, can you go get that?” to this i had no issue. i had to leave these jobs and find a new job in my college town and…

so hear me out… LOL i’ve worked at 2 main job companies that have been amazing. One a dance studio for 3 years as a desk receptionist- absolutely LOVED that job. Then 2 years as a cashier and 1 and a curbside assistant for a grocery story. both amazing companies- i had some issues at both but just like any other jobs i could overcome it.

when i made a mistake i was gently reminded and never did it again- and if i did i was just reminded. if i needed to do something i was simply told “hey! whenever you get a chance can you please do ___” or “hey! i noticed when you were cleaning this area, you missed a spot, can you go get that?” to this i had no issue.

i had to leave these jobs and find a new job in my college town and never in my life have i experienced such RUDE coworkers and management!! aft first i thought i was over reacting but, i literally had to take a second in the bathroom to cry. then cried my whole ride home after my shift. i even called in bc of how terrible this place is.

let’s start off with, i accidentally placed a call in order as a walk in. a coworker said to me and i quote “why would you do this? how do you forget to put if it’s a call in or walk in? do you not understand the difference?” rolled her eyes and told her other coworker that i made a stupid mistake. i ignored this.

they come back to ask how i’d normally take a call in order, i press a button and she pushes my hand out of the way saying “stop, already wrong” and cuts in front of me. my manager looks over and says to have patience with me, in which she says “i’m trying but she’s making it so hard” and the manager just laughs. she goes through the process which i nod at, even though it was a one time mistake. when she leaves, my other coworker says that what i was doing was right and she was just being rude.

this is only my SECOND week, and i’m closing the store right. i try to give a group of customers sprite, but the machine won’t turn on, i notice a coworker is standing near the machine and as the line is getting longer i politely ask “can you please get me two sprites?”

she then says “or you can stop being lazy and do it yourself” and laughs. i then explain it wasn’t turning on. she looks at me like i’m stupid and turns on a switch behind the machine, then says “do you not know how to turn a switch?”

which no i don’t. i’ve worked maybe 3 days? and no one properly trained me. ofc the customer hears this whole interaction which is very embarrassing for me and i ignore it the most i can.

there’s still a bunch of customers in line and the manger comes up with the 2 other girls who have been continuously picking at every little thing. she then asks AS I AM TAKING AN ORDER “who trained you? bc you obviously don’t know anything.”

i respond with im not sure what his names was. bc again…. i’ve worked there 3 or 4 days of course i don’t know everyone’s name. they look at me like i’m stupid and start naming names- until i finally say oh him.

they all laugh and say “no wonder she is bad at her job” and “that explains so much”, saying he’s not even a cashier he’s just a cook. the customers ALSO hear this and are staring at me. i just nod and continue taking the order as they laugh extremely loud about everything i’ve done wrong.

i finish that order, and they tap me on the shoulder and simply say “bathroom” and i stand there a little confused, since there’s no other cashier to take my place. the manger says she’ll take over because i don’t know what i’m doing and hands me a rag, and reacting “bathrooms, go!” and i just take the rag and go.

during closing another worker says she’s going to the back and to give her a shout if we need more ice as i am in the front of the house and the small walkway to the back is crowded with everyone mopping and cleaning, i check and then tell her yes, we need ice! a 30 year old worker says “quit being lazy and get the ice yourself. are you too weak or what? you can get half the pale if you want it’s not that hard” and scoffs. i’m about to explain that my worker offered to get it, but i don’t even bother.

this is all in a 6 hour shift and not even half the thing said to me.

SO IN CONCLUSION- how do i quit. at first i want to lie and say i didn’t realize how busy school is getting and i won’t be able to continue with the job. but my parents and friends want time to confront our main manager and tell him the whole story and say i will not be able to continue with the company. what do i do- i already accepted another job that’s higher paying and a more professional environment.

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