
How to quit in response to a rostering issue?

26F. For the past two years I've worked FT as an optical assistant in a glasses shop. Not a field I would have chosen but it was an income while I worked on myself and on beating severe depression. Because of mental illness I very rarely had anything on and would therefore just work all the crappy public holidays and weekends that were given to me, all the while my boss and supervisor (who are best friends outside of work) gave themselves New Years, long weekends and other holidays off. There was also a string of weekends where I worked both days as my boss had broken up with her fiance and was sorting her personal life. I'm doing much better now and have started University as a “mature” student. I'm also building a social life again and have tried to get involved in extra curriculars. So, next Saturday I…

26F. For the past two years I've worked FT as an optical assistant in a glasses shop. Not a field I would have chosen but it was an income while I worked on myself and on beating severe depression.

Because of mental illness I very rarely had anything on and would therefore just work all the crappy public holidays and weekends that were given to me, all the while my boss and supervisor (who are best friends outside of work) gave themselves New Years, long weekends and other holidays off. There was also a string of weekends where I worked both days as my boss had broken up with her fiance and was sorting her personal life.

I'm doing much better now and have started University as a “mature” student. I'm also building a social life again and have tried to get involved in extra curriculars.
So, next Saturday I have a LOT going on. I've stayed at my job under a casual contract due to guilt and normally work Sundays, but I've been put on this particular Saturday without being asked. I've asked my boss to switch me back or to work any other day but she's being difficult and I can't find cover myself. The ONE time I have another commitment.

Yes I am a pushover. I struggle with confrontation and unnecessary guilt. But I'm working on it. I've been over this job for a while now and think it's time to quit. But my question is, how do I do it in a way that's appropriate and would still leave me with positive references? (I'm honestly a great employee and they were disappointed to lose me full time)
Should I quit beforehand or should I work the Saturday but hand in my resignation at the same time?

I know that I have the right to simply refuse to work that day, but I've had one foot out the door for a while now, and the tension this would bring just isn't worth it to me.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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