
How to survive until I can find a new job

I work at a non-profit. Just got back from 2 months of medical leave because of my mental health. I generally can manage my anxiety and depression but my job (mainly my boss, the leader of our entire organization) triggered a decline and made everything worse (ironic since one of the services we provide is counselling). I came back feeling okay, thinking I could make it through a few more months till I found the right job. Well I was wrong. Now on my boss' bad side, I can do nothing right. I got moved into a tiny office. I'm back for less than a week and she asks me to do unapid work on the weekend that she could figure out if she really wanted to. I try to join in a casual conversation happening outside my office and she deliberately leaves after I start talking. And so much…

I work at a non-profit. Just got back from 2 months of medical leave because of my mental health. I generally can manage my anxiety and depression but my job (mainly my boss, the leader of our entire organization) triggered a decline and made everything worse (ironic since one of the services we provide is counselling). I came back feeling okay, thinking I could make it through a few more months till I found the right job.

Well I was wrong. Now on my boss' bad side, I can do nothing right. I got moved into a tiny office. I'm back for less than a week and she asks me to do unapid work on the weekend that she could figure out if she really wanted to. I try to join in a casual conversation happening outside my office and she deliberately leaves after I start talking. And so much more. She is impulsive, indecisive, petty, can't communicate clearly, gossips about staff to other staff, and blames everyone else.

I feel like I can barely make it through one more day with her. But there's not a lot of places hiring for jobs I'm somewhat interested that also pay well (I'm not asking for much, just enough to afford the expensive city I live in).

Any tips for surviving my boss until I can get another job?

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