
How to talk to my boss about a new coworker

Nobody really wants to work. Working sucks. But most of us need a job to pay the bills, and if I'm going to work I want to be as relaxed as I can while I'm doing it. Personally I think the best way is for everyone to be efficient. No one works too hard, but everyone gets their shit done so nothing piles up and no one is stressed out by having to pick up any slack. We just hired a new person into our office to fill a role that's been open for a couple months. The role being empty has caused some stress for people in our office, as it's a lot of extra work to take on, on top of the normal workload. This new person needs to be trained until they will really be useful. But they are not making a good first impression. They showed…

Nobody really wants to work. Working sucks. But most of us need a job to pay the bills, and if I'm going to work I want to be as relaxed as I can while I'm doing it.

Personally I think the best way is for everyone to be efficient. No one works too hard, but everyone gets their shit done so nothing piles up and no one is stressed out by having to pick up any slack.

We just hired a new person into our office to fill a role that's been open for a couple months. The role being empty has caused some stress for people in our office, as it's a lot of extra work to take on, on top of the normal workload. This new person needs to be trained until they will really be useful. But they are not making a good first impression.

They showed up HOURS late their first day. Okay, maybe a misunderstanding right? Shit happens. Willing to cut some slack on the first day. But then they left early too.

Second day they are late again, by an hour and a half. Their excuse? “Couldn't find my rain coat.” What????

Third day, 2 hours late. Reason being “the neighbor's dog kept me up last night.” So you're 2 hours late without letting anyone know??

Talking to my other coworkers, they aren't happy either. This new person comes off a bit rude to their trainer and will just look at their phone instead of paying attention.

I want to like this person. I want them to do well and become a good part of our team. We're pretty chill here as long as things get done. But I'm pissed because it isn't fair for them to show up late and twiddle their thumbs all day instead of actually trying to work with us.

I want to say something to my boss, but should I? What should I say? Is it even my place to bring it up? Am I overreacting??

TL;DR- New coworker late every day this week, inconsiderate to people in office. Feels like a waste of everyone's time. Should I talk to my boss and tell him how I feel? Am I overreacting?

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