
How to tell my boss I’m not doing as Development plan? I was offered to climb the the ladder and fill out a document. After not receiving the raise promised, I have zero interest.

I was promised a raise to get me where I deserve to be after being ignored. HR and Finance had other plans. I was given what would be a solid raise if I was being paid accordingly but I’m not. My raise was smaller than my last one and I am just now finally at the entry level salary for my position but I am in my 10th year. I was done with this company over a year ago but got a new amazing manager and figured I’d give it one last shot. My manager did an amazing job and improved so much. In that year I also took classes and built my resume since the job is remote and I can do it with my eyes closed. Well raises came and it was a big disappointment. I was offered to climb the ladder and just do a development plan…

I was promised a raise to get me where I deserve to be after being ignored. HR and Finance had other plans. I was given what would be a solid raise if I was being paid accordingly but I’m not. My raise was smaller than my last one and I am just now finally at the entry level salary for my position but I am in my 10th year.

I was done with this company over a year ago but got a new amazing manager and figured I’d give it one last shot. My manager did an amazing job and improved so much. In that year I also took classes and built my resume since the job is remote and I can do it with my eyes closed.

Well raises came and it was a big disappointment. I was offered to climb the ladder and just do a development plan to document it for HR. At the time I was kind of blind sided and said sure while in a daze. Now I have no desire to do that knowing that I’ll be treated the same way wherever I am in the company.

I’m going to take a few months to finish up classes and polish my resume before job hunting. I still need the job and I do enjoy the work and my manager and my coworkers. It’s very laid back as long as work is getting done, everyone works well together and my boss genuinely cares. I have a meeting coming up and I know my boss will ask how the development document is coming and I have no idea how to respond professionally with where my heads at? He knows I wasn’t too happy with the raise. I also have no intention in slacking off, to me that is more painful than getting work done. But I have no idea how to let him know I have no interest in climbing the ladder and won’t be filling out the document.

Any tips on how to handle this in a professional matter?

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