
How was I ever functioning?

I have but one question: how was I ever functioning? I am currently working a full time job, not my first I have to add, I was working in multiple full time jobs over my life time. This isn't my first commuting Job either, I've had all sorts of full time commuting jobs before COVID. Unfortunately this one sucks the life right out of me, I'm tired, when I come home, I can't bring myself doing anything. Things that were previously fun, like playing with my kids and pets, or watching a movie with my wife, seem now like a chore to me. Once I get home, the only thing I do is take a shower and get into bed. Maybe watch a show for like a couple of minutes before I fall asleep. Which brings me back to my question. I remember doing shit after school, and even work.…

I have but one question: how was I ever functioning? I am currently working a full time job, not my first I have to add, I was working in multiple full time jobs over my life time. This isn't my first commuting Job either, I've had all sorts of full time commuting jobs before COVID.

Unfortunately this one sucks the life right out of me, I'm tired, when I come home, I can't bring myself doing anything. Things that were previously fun, like playing with my kids and pets, or watching a movie with my wife, seem now like a chore to me. Once I get home, the only thing I do is take a shower and get into bed. Maybe watch a show for like a couple of minutes before I fall asleep.

Which brings me back to my question. I remember doing shit after school, and even work. I remember going to cinemas or shopping with friends. I remember going out to eat every now and then. I even remember playing games with my friends and family. How the fuck am I always so fucking tired? What's happening to me? Did the last years of COVID induced home office make me a wuss? I'd really love to know, what happened to me.

If anyone has any idea how I can bring back the life into my… well life, I'd be eternally grateful.

Side note: I'm under heavy medication for bi polar and depression. I'm taking Quetiapin and Escitalopram. But I don't let that be my escape rope, since it's been a lot of time that I'm under medication. I've been there for almost 10 years now, and as I said I was functioning before.
Also my job isn't particularly hard. I just sit all day, like in my previous jobs. Sometimes the occasional difficult customer comes to visit. But nothing I couldn't handle.

Help please. What do I do?

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