
How were my answers?

Went into a second round interview expecting subject matter questions, but instead it was one of those behavioral interviews, asking what I would do in a given situation. Once the questions started I was like “This is not what I prepared for.” There's no way to prepare for these types of questions, and I came away feeling like I bombed it: Q: “What did you think of the writing assignment (which was asking me to read a 5 laws/regulations and summarize them in one hour)?” A: “I think the assignment was testing my competency in four key areas: How fast can I turn around an assignment on short notice 2) How deep is my understanding of the issues affecting the agency 3) Am I able to explain complex information in an easy to understand format that the uninitiated can understand and 4) Do I have a clear an concise writing…

Went into a second round interview expecting subject matter questions, but instead it was one of those behavioral interviews, asking what I would do in a given situation. Once the questions started I was like “This is not what I prepared for.” There's no way to prepare for these types of questions, and I came away feeling like I bombed it:

Q: “What did you think of the writing assignment (which was asking me to read a 5 laws/regulations and summarize them in one hour)?”

A: “I think the assignment was testing my competency in four key areas: How fast can I turn around an assignment on short notice 2) How deep is my understanding of the issues affecting the agency 3) Am I able to explain complex information in an easy to understand format that the uninitiated can understand and 4) Do I have a clear an concise writing style.

Q: “How will you handle situations where our client disagrees with your position?”

A: “I think it's important to make them feel like they're being heard. Here's what that looks like. Sit attentively and listen. Repeat back to them what you have heard…”

Q: “How will you decide where your priorities should be your first month on the job?”

A: “I'm gonna get with my supervisor and discuss what they think the major priorities are and where our energy should be first and then go from there.”

Q: We will be dealing with depressing subject matter. How will you stay motivated psychologically?

A: “I think you just have to keep your focus on the overall mission of the agency, which is to make sure our clients are able to have access to high quality health care.”

Q: “How will you develop a project tracker?”

A: “Your website says you already have a project tracker in place so if that thing is working, I don't see the need for me to reinvent the wheel, but if it isn't working, I'm going to evaluate where the deficiencies are and come with a new system that is similar to the one I use at my current company that contains these columns…”

Q: “Any experience briefing reporters?”

A: “Not directly. I was an intern at a news organization where I was the one interviewing others.”

Q: “What if you get behind?”

A: Some babble I can't remember. I think I said I'm gonna try not to get behind by keeping maintaining a calendar of deadlines.

I gave it my best, but I can't help but feel like I wasn't giving them what they needed and that I am a f*ckin failure. Interviews are a lot of pressure.

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