
How would a 4 day work week be implemented regarding on which days business occurs?

Would the same day be selected as the day off for every business and business only occuring on the 4 business days, basically today's system except with 4 weekdays and 3 weekend days. Or will there be a staggered work schedule where business still occurs on all 5 current weekdays and 1/5 of the staff has a given weekday off. This second method allows people to get things done that need to be done during business hours without having to take a day off work. Also if there were 4 official days of business, the same amount of work would have to be done in less time such as people getting outpatient surgery or seeing a doctor in their clinic, going to a government office like the DMV or Social Security where lines are already super long. People admitted the hospital might get stuck there over the weekend as some…

Would the same day be selected as the day off for every business and business only occuring on the 4 business days, basically today's system except with 4 weekdays and 3 weekend days. Or will there be a staggered work schedule where business still occurs on all 5 current weekdays and 1/5 of the staff has a given weekday off. This second method allows people to get things done that need to be done during business hours without having to take a day off work.

Also if there were 4 official days of business, the same amount of work would have to be done in less time such as people getting outpatient surgery or seeing a doctor in their clinic, going to a government office like the DMV or Social Security where lines are already super long. People admitted the hospital might get stuck there over the weekend as some procedure or insurance approval for rehab that today might occur on a Friday and then patient can be discharged now has to wait until the following Monday.

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