
How would you react? Am I in the wrong?

So basically, I was supposed to start this new job tomorrow but I decided I wanted to start earlier, so after a discussion with my then current employer and the new company, they said I could start Tuesday of this week. I was told it would be 3 days of training at the facility. I received no communication on to what my schedule was like for the rest of the week or even if I was supposed to work. Well, I made plans for Saturday and Sunday. They just texted me telling me my first day is going to be tomorrow at 10am and that I work Saturday. The schedules for the following week come out on Sundays. I told them I wouldn’t be available Saturday and Sunday since I have prior engagements and they didn’t communicate with me with enough notice. Pics are screenshots of how the conversation went…

So basically, I was supposed to start this new job tomorrow but I decided I wanted to start earlier, so after a discussion with my then current employer and the new company, they said I could start Tuesday of this week.

I was told it would be 3 days of training at the facility. I received no communication on to what my schedule was like for the rest of the week or even if I was supposed to work. Well, I made plans for Saturday and Sunday. They just texted me telling me my first day is going to be tomorrow at 10am and that I work Saturday. The schedules for the following week come out on Sundays. I told them I wouldn’t be available Saturday and Sunday since I have prior engagements and they didn’t communicate with me with enough notice.

Pics are screenshots of how the conversation went with the person that supposedly hired me:

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