
HR demands to know what school my kids go to.

I was called into a meeting with HR after taking a day off to take care of my minor children because they were home from school sick. It was a Friday, so I only took one day. In my state, I have furnish a doctor's note after the fourth consecutive business sick day. HR called me into a meeting to demand that I tell them what school my kids go to so that they can verify that they were out sick. I told them to kick rocks. In what case would it make it okay for my job to stalk my children?

I was called into a meeting with HR after taking a day off to take care of my minor children because they were home from school sick. It was a Friday, so I only took one day. In my state, I have furnish a doctor's note after the fourth consecutive business sick day. HR called me into a meeting to demand that I tell them what school my kids go to so that they can verify that they were out sick. I told them to kick rocks.

In what case would it make it okay for my job to stalk my children?

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