
HR giving me 1/3rd of the promised salary

Hi reddit! So I'm an international engineering student and I'm interning at a company (2 months) which happens to be a part of a fortune 500 holding. As part of my engineering degree, I have to complete two compulsory internships. After that I can perform any voluntary internships. Since I was about to graduate and I already completed my two compulsory internships, I signed up for a voluntary internship at this company. They promised me a salary of 10,000 a month and usually compulsory internship salaries are 1/3rd of that. Then after the first month, I saw that only 2,500 are deposited into my account. I contacted the lady at HR who told me that they cannot provide voluntary internship to foreign students. I reminded her of our previous correspondence and she told me she registered me in the system as a compulsory internship student. I showed her proof, reminded…

Hi reddit!

So I'm an international engineering student and I'm interning at a company (2 months) which happens to be a part of a fortune 500 holding. As part of my engineering degree, I have to complete two compulsory internships. After that I can perform any voluntary internships.

Since I was about to graduate and I already completed my two compulsory internships, I signed up for a voluntary internship at this company. They promised me a salary of 10,000 a month and usually compulsory internship salaries are 1/3rd of that.

Then after the first month, I saw that only 2,500 are deposited into my account. I contacted the lady at HR who told me that they cannot provide voluntary internship to foreign students. I reminded her of our previous correspondence and she told me she registered me in the system as a compulsory internship student. I showed her proof, reminded her of the offer and then she told me the company made a mistake and wrote to me that for August they will make the correction and give me 10,000. That lady ended up leaving.

Now I went to a separate HR person who informed me that I'm still registered as a compulsory internship candidate and my salary will again come as 2,500. They cannot do much because that lady quit and now they can't contact her. I showed them all correspondence and proof and the HR lady sympathized with me.

Now I'm living in quite an expensive city and there is a huge difference between 2500 and 10000. Yeah I'm living like a student and don't spend much money on myself. I budget a lot and I'm a cheapstake. It's not a comfortable life at all and breaks me on the inside. I'm writing with tears tbh. I need a hug rn.

Also I've been interning with this company for the second time and was already involved in a year long voluntary project. The chances of me getting hired here are great and I want a job after graduation. Since I graduated uni, I need a job to stay in the country and I have a relationship with this company so I do not really want to soil this over the salary.

I also cannot go home because my younger sister is kind of manipulative and abusive and worked quite hard to keep me out of the house. My parents don't want me back either. They keep telling me to stay in this country and not come back home because they do not want fights rn. Also I'm in my early twenties and my mom is controlling af so living with her for more than a week sends me into a downward mental health spiral. Let me give an example, she doesn't let me leave the house citing I'm a girl and safety whereas my sister can leave etc. So yeah, I've traveled to separate countries by myself, I'm independent af and imagine having all that stripped when I come home. I get depressed which takes months to heal. In my opinion, going home is like my last option.

So that's where I need advice. The HR lady told me it's upto me to accept the payment or to escalate the situation. She said if I escalate it will create problems, for me and them later. I don't want to ruin my chances of staying at the company because I like working here, and I get to stay in the country and not go home. I can also stay in the country without a job but it will be hard. I can also go to another company but then again many companies are reluctant to hire foreigners because they don't want to fill in their work permits. I'm not an illegal worker, I'm a college educated engineer who graduated top 10% in her class. So yeah I don't have the best choices.

My friend said they are not willing to fix their mistake and are just scaring me by telling me to give up and accept the lesser salary. I'm not even fighting over my July salary which I already received, I'm already being told my future August salary would be lower, and I can't accept that. This was a bait and switch but the situation is just so damn complicated. And btw, there is no offer of employment on the table, they might hire me later.

I need advice

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