
HR interviewer was rather unprofessional with me during the interview. Red flag or is it just circumstancial?

Hello all, just need some advice about whether I'm being too critical of this interviewer or if my doubts are valid. I just had an interview for a tech job and I reviewed a lot for the role since it was somewhat off from what my expertise is, though it's not too far off that I'm starting from scratch. I know that I don't have past projects to show for this specific role so I studied about what to expect and joined the zoom meeting a couple minutes early. First off, the interviewer was late by 4 minutes–the interview schedule was only 15 mins long so I started to wonder what happened. And then when she did show up, she seemed very distracted. She barely gave a background to the company, was even picking and scratching her nose while talking, and at one point was literally texting on her phone…

Hello all, just need some advice about whether I'm being too critical of this interviewer or if my doubts are valid.

I just had an interview for a tech job and I reviewed a lot for the role since it was somewhat off from what my expertise is, though it's not too far off that I'm starting from scratch. I know that I don't have past projects to show for this specific role so I studied about what to expect and joined the zoom meeting a couple minutes early.

First off, the interviewer was late by 4 minutes–the interview schedule was only 15 mins long so I started to wonder what happened. And then when she did show up, she seemed very distracted. She barely gave a background to the company, was even picking and scratching her nose while talking, and at one point was literally texting on her phone while I was answering her questions.

She was also talking to other people off camera while muted as I was still answering her questions. I knew she was at least reviewing my CV since she asked questions about it, but she didn't seem to be listening while I was talking. Still, I answered everything to the best that I can even if I had to admit I didn't have much experience in this specific role.

She was also making jokes about resigning that seemed red flaggish to me?? Idk, I've been in her position before holding interviews for roles in my current job and I always respected and listened to the interviewees since it's what they deserve.

Now I'm thinking twice about continuing. She said that she's unsure about if I'll do well, but that she'll set up a final interview anyway. I'm starting to think it might already be red flags showing, and it's the last thing I want after working in my current toxic job.

PS: Also, is it weird if the interviewer uses curse words while talking to me? or is that just them trying to seem casual?

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