
HR is demanding an Email from an Employee Health manager stating that I was compliant with my TB test and I turned it in a timely manner.

Hey folks, I work in the medical field and we are mandated do an annual TB test and N95 mask fitted test that is due the same month as our hiring date. I was hired last year as of June of 2022. Employee Health does the traditional skin tb test, which takes forever, but I already had a tb test from Quest Diagnostics that same year by doing the quantiferon to which Employee Health had no issue accepting this to their portal. That same day, I later emailed my hiring manager, stating how I went to a specific nurse from Employee Health and turned in my tb test, along with all other form of important documentation. Fast forward to January of 2023, I go see my doctor to do my annual A1C and asked my doctor to throw in a quantiferon test to my orders as well. I drove down…

Hey folks,

I work in the medical field and we are mandated do an annual TB test and N95 mask fitted test that is due the same month as our hiring date.

I was hired last year as of June of 2022.

Employee Health does the traditional skin tb test, which takes forever, but I already had a tb test from Quest Diagnostics that same year by doing the quantiferon to which Employee Health had no issue accepting this to their portal. That same day, I later emailed my hiring manager, stating how I went to a specific nurse from Employee Health and turned in my tb test, along with all other form of important documentation.

Fast forward to January of 2023, I go see my doctor to do my annual A1C and asked my doctor to throw in a quantiferon test to my orders as well. I drove down to Quest diagnostics again, got my blood taken out, and I went about my day. That same month, I got my results via electronically and used the same results to upload it to Employee Health’s portal. Mind you my annual tb test isn’t due until June of 2023.

Fast forward, again, to this month of July, I was called down to my managers’ boss (boss lady) office about time and attendance. Luckily for us we are union, so I had no issue stating I want my union rep and I refuse to speak, then got up and left.

I later get a call from boss lady, who informed me that I am not up to date with my TB test and that I need to punch out immediately for not being compliant. I almost forgot how I submitted my documentation and had to recollect myself. I told her how I remember doing my tb test through a different clinic and already have it on file, to which boss lady said that they don’t accept blood work from other clinics to which I replied, “that’s not true.” I explained to her how they had no issue taking my last tb test last year and I have proof by cc’d her the email exchanges I had with the hiring manager from last year.

The following morning I drove down to employee health and explained to them the situation that I am in. The nurse who saw me said they have it on file, but that it is my responsibility to call them and to let them know that I uploaded my tb test. I asked the nurse when I submitted my tb test and she said I submitted it in Jan. Of 2023. I asked for a physical copy of that document and she gave me one, so I drove to work to drop it off to work.

My meeting with bosslady, along with my union rep, was on Friday. We talked about my time and attendance, which they were at fault for. I then asked about my suspension about my tb test and that I want to appeal my suspension on file. However, boss lady now wants an email from employee health’s manager stating that I am compliant and that I submitted my tb test in a timely manner. Rather than doing that, I called employee health during our meeting off my personal phone trying to reach out to a manager from employee health, but they were unavailable, putting a pause on my appeal.

I feel annoyed about this situation and I’m starting to think these people just want get rid of me. I believe all this is unnecessary and a waste of my time. How can I report boss lady about her actions?

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