
HR is ordering a meat based lunch with a garden salad. I spoke up for vegan coworkers and was told to deal with it.

Our HR department is buying lunch because we have some of our regionals coming to the office next week. They asked for a headcount for who would be in the office for lunch. After getting the menu for next week, we were told there would be 3 different hoagie/sub options, all containing meat and cheese and a garden salad. Also in the email was a sec fence along the lines of: “If you don’t like it then bring your own lunch.” I emailed the head of HR and informed her that we have vegan and diet-restricted people in the office and that it would be nice to be included with something other than lettuce. I also explained that meals lacking protein aren’t sustaining. I was met with a response basically saying that the meal wasn’t for us and we’re just lucky to be included. 🥴 I’m not vegetarian, but I…

Our HR department is buying lunch because we have some of our regionals coming to the office next week. They asked for a headcount for who would be in the office for lunch.

After getting the menu for next week, we were told there would be 3 different hoagie/sub options, all containing meat and cheese and a garden salad. Also in the email was a sec fence along the lines of: “If you don’t like it then bring your own lunch.”

I emailed the head of HR and informed her that we have vegan and diet-restricted people in the office and that it would be nice to be included with something other than lettuce. I also explained that meals lacking protein aren’t sustaining.

I was met with a response basically saying that the meal wasn’t for us and we’re just lucky to be included. 🥴 I’m not vegetarian, but I sympathize with the lack of food options because I have high cholesterol and I try to avoid making it worse.

1,000 upvotes and I’ll order a vegetarian lunch for myself and submit it through payroll for reimbursement.

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