
HR is pushing us to fill out an employee engagement survey

I work for a very large company and recently HR sent out a survey about employee engagement. Survey is branded as completely anonymous, carried by an independent firm. However, the email we got tells us not to forward the link to anyone else and to do it using our company laptop. It goes on to say we should not fill the survey using a link sent by a colleague either. This makes me believe this survey is not anonymous at all and that being honest in this survey can be dangerous, so I decided to not fill it out. But now HR is sending constant reminders to fill out the survey – not sure if they’re sending to everyone or if again they are only sending to those who haven’t – and my manager keeps saying he needs us to fill it out to help with his team indicators. We…

I work for a very large company and recently HR sent out a survey about employee engagement. Survey is branded as completely anonymous, carried by an independent firm. However, the email we got tells us not to forward the link to anyone else and to do it using our company laptop. It goes on to say we should not fill the survey using a link sent by a colleague either. This makes me believe this survey is not anonymous at all and that being honest in this survey can be dangerous, so I decided to not fill it out. But now HR is sending constant reminders to fill out the survey – not sure if they’re sending to everyone or if again they are only sending to those who haven’t – and my manager keeps saying he needs us to fill it out to help with his team indicators. We are a small team so I think in a way or another he will know if we filled it or not. What do I do?

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