
HR is the biggest bully at work

I've been working for my company for some time. As an experienced corporate slave, I've interacted with various HR professionals from different companies in the past, and I knew they are not trustworthy. So the best part of my current company was that they didn't have an HR department, until now. This HR person is quite assertive, to the point where I question why she sees herself as important. She openly expresses her dislike for specific employees and even suggests replacing them with AI. She also publicly mocks individuals and occasionally threatens to write them up for not attending company events. I've dealt with different HR professionals before, and they typically maintain professionalism and don't cross boundaries. However, this HR professional is making some senior employees contemplate quitting.

I've been working for my company for some time. As an experienced corporate slave, I've interacted with various HR professionals from different companies in the past, and I knew they are not trustworthy. So the best part of my current company was that they didn't have an HR department, until now. This HR person is quite assertive, to the point where I question why she sees herself as important. She openly expresses her dislike for specific employees and even suggests replacing them with AI. She also publicly mocks individuals and occasionally threatens to write them up for not attending company events. I've dealt with different HR professionals before, and they typically maintain professionalism and don't cross boundaries. However, this HR professional is making some senior employees contemplate quitting.

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