
HR left *another* voicemail telling me not to show up

Hello all, While this may be my first post, I've been a longtime lurker on another account. It's about time I made an account for this, and a good time too, considering this coincidence. HR left me yet another voicemail, an hour before my shift, telling me not to come in. This isn't the first time they've done this to me- I think it may be the 3rd, if not 4th. The last time, it was “don't show up until we tell you”. An indefinite, unpaid leave of absence. This time, it's a paid day, maybe two, but for a complaint of aggressive language. I'm mildly concerned, but more pissed off than anything. Why is it okay for them to give me next to no notice when it comes to making an income? Why do I get to be mistreated, disrespected, and walked all over? I'm so over this fucking…

Hello all,

While this may be my first post, I've been a longtime lurker on another account. It's about time I made an account for this, and a good time too, considering this coincidence.

HR left me yet another voicemail, an hour before my shift, telling me not to come in. This isn't the first time they've done this to me- I think it may be the 3rd, if not 4th.

The last time, it was “don't show up until we tell you”. An indefinite, unpaid leave of absence. This time, it's a paid day, maybe two, but for a complaint of aggressive language.

I'm mildly concerned, but more pissed off than anything. Why is it okay for them to give me next to no notice when it comes to making an income? Why do I get to be mistreated, disrespected, and walked all over?

I'm so over this fucking job. I've had several issues with my workplace, and did report to the ethics line, but things have gotten worse since (retaliation). I re-updated the ethics line, but fuck me I guess. I've been applying for everything I can and can't get anywhere. The last interview I had was for this job, almost two years ago.

Kinda just venting, but any advice is welcome.

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