
HR recording passed onto boss without permission

Hi, so I recently made an informal complaint to our HR after my boss cornered me and shouted in my face following an argument with my colleague. For context he is a grown man and I am a woman under 5ft. I had a massive panic attack afterwards and it just made me feel awful. I offered them an olive branch by flagging it and not putting in a formal complaint. I just wanted it recorded with HR incase it happened again. Got context I've seen this happen to others in my work multiple times. I was very formal in my email, I copied over the company handbook where our guidelines and the companies promises had been breached. I was very thoughrough. I explained in the meeting that followed with HR that I was worried about being penalised for whistle blowing but I just wanted to make sure changes were…

Hi, so I recently made an informal complaint to our HR after my boss cornered me and shouted in my face following an argument with my colleague.
For context he is a grown man and I am a woman under 5ft. I had a massive panic attack afterwards and it just made me feel awful.
I offered them an olive branch by flagging it and not putting in a formal complaint. I just wanted it recorded with HR incase it happened again. Got context I've seen this happen to others in my work multiple times.
I was very formal in my email, I copied over the company handbook where our guidelines and the companies promises had been breached. I was very thoughrough.
I explained in the meeting that followed with HR that I was worried about being penalised for whistle blowing but I just wanted to make sure changes were being made to stop it in the future. ( I asked for an office space so people were not publicly disaplined on the factory floor). Our HR spent most of our meeting asking me questions about my mental health (I have been previously signed off) and what I do in my therapy sessions. And alot of questions about how me mental health effects my response to what happened. I agreed to it being recorded so she could take notes afterwards before meeting with my boss with an overview.
Skip forward to today. The changes are being made I was willing to bury the hatchet and move on depaite the party line being that my mental health issues clearly made me over react to this situation.
I've handed in my notice I now need to extend it by a couple of weeks due to a mishap with my new job.
It has now come to light that the whole recording was sent to my boss not just her overview and it now being suggested they might not honour my new levainf date because of the complaint I made. The reason being it might not be the best thing for the company and I could try and use the complaint as leverage to get my way. I had never mentioned the complaint since I was told about the changes being made.
I'm taking a new job because it's a great opportunity. For the most part I will be sad to leave. Either way I was beyond shocked to find out that the whole unedited conversation that HR made way too invasive has been sent to my boss and I never agreed to this.
I sent HR an email outlining that I never agreed to this and raised many concerns about getting in trouble for whistle blowing and I am now scared that this is going to be used against me in asking for the extension.
I have given 4 years of my life to this place worked incredibly hard and had a good relationship with my employers. It's why I didn't drag them straight through acas for any of this.
I'm so upset, angry and I just feel completely belittled and attacked by the whole HR process.
Do I have any standing here I feel like she has just brecahed all my trust, damaged by relationships and made me feel like this all happened because I'm mentally unwell ( I'm actually alot better now but shit like this really doesn't help)

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