
HR woman expects me to be at their back and call lol Nope

TLDR I lost my father on the 11th of November to Glioblastoma Multiforme which he had developed in about 3 months according to the neuro-oncologist. I had prior had an interview with this MSP IT company. The client (also an MSP, lol, so it's kinda weird: An MSP recruiting for an MSP that is recruiting for a client, get it?) said I wouldn't be recruited for the job because I had said I was going to be a software engineer not an IT guy (like sysadmin, DevOps, etc, doing “maintenance” and “admin” stuff instead of “creating stuff” like SWEs do). I badly needed money at the time for alternative treatments for my father. I told her that, she said “sorry can't do”. Yeah, f off. Fortunately I managed to get all the money for the alternative treatments, my father did receive all of them but sadly cancer won. So I…

TLDR I lost my father on the 11th of November to Glioblastoma Multiforme which he had developed in about 3 months according to the neuro-oncologist. I had prior had an interview with this MSP IT company.

The client (also an MSP, lol, so it's kinda weird: An MSP recruiting for an MSP that is recruiting for a client, get it?) said I wouldn't be recruited for the job because I had said I was going to be a software engineer not an IT guy (like sysadmin, DevOps, etc, doing “maintenance” and “admin” stuff instead of “creating stuff” like SWEs do). I badly needed money at the time for alternative treatments for my father. I told her that, she said “sorry can't do”. Yeah, f off. Fortunately I managed to get all the money for the alternative treatments, my father did receive all of them but sadly cancer won.

So I buried him on the 30th of November, I ended up inheriting a metric F load of money in the form of real estates and some other properties but mostly real estates.

Now fortunately I no longer need to work to earn a living, earn a living as a saying just goes to show you just how F'd up the system is. People shouldn't have to EARN their LIVING. Instead they should be incentivized to work in healthy manners but that's not going to happen.

Anyway now this sneaky snake b@tch (she works in HR, color me surprised) sent me an email on Friday telling me the client (the other MSP who this MSP has been recruiting workers for) DOES want me to work that position, after all, and, I quite, “Please reply to this email ASAP if you're down as the client is willing to talk about this on Monday next week at 11AM”. Again, I got this on Friday. Wow, just wow, the entitlement, like the b@tch expects me to be at their beck and call like a slave. Yeah, no, lady, no more. Not a slave to this bullshit system no more, I am FREE to do whatever I want, whenever, whereever I want, to actually LIVE like a human, not a drone.

I thought hey I should reply with NO, FUCK YOU, but instead I chose to go Radio Silence regarding the phone call I had missed due to my phone being put on DnD coz I was sleeping, and also regarding the email she also sent me. I will NOT send them a reply, and I will NOT call her either. They fully deserve to get this treatment for they had left me high and dry when I BADLY needed the money in an effort to save my father. Damn sociopaths…

Just wanted to vent.

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