
Huel Meal Replacement ads glamorizing not having enough time to eat due to work

I keep getting targeted ads on YouTube for Huel, the meal replacement product. I take huge issue with these ads because the guy in them basically says “I'm too busy with work to cook actual meals, so Huel is a great solution”. I mean, who the hell thought this was a positive way to sell a product!?!? “My job works me so hard I don't have time to eat, so this instant garbage is a great way to not waste time”. It doesn't help that Huel is misleading consumers into thinking their products are a healthy option when in fact they are far from it. Huel's products contain thickeners, emulsifiers, sugar, sweeteners, food additives (such as maltodextrin) and highly refined vegetable oils – hardly the healthy ingredients it claims to contain. In the UK they've already been sanctioned by the trading authority for breaking advertising rules, and yet they think…

I keep getting targeted ads on YouTube for Huel, the meal replacement product. I take huge issue with these ads because the guy in them basically says “I'm too busy with work to cook actual meals, so Huel is a great solution”.

I mean, who the hell thought this was a positive way to sell a product!?!? “My job works me so hard I don't have time to eat, so this instant garbage is a great way to not waste time”.

It doesn't help that Huel is misleading consumers into thinking their products are a healthy option when in fact they are far from it. Huel's products contain thickeners, emulsifiers, sugar, sweeteners, food additives (such as maltodextrin) and highly refined vegetable oils – hardly the healthy ingredients it claims to contain.

In the UK they've already been sanctioned by the trading authority for breaking advertising rules, and yet they think targeting people who can't establish a healthy work-life balance is the way to move product.

Take your lunch break and actually eat real food.

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