
Humiliated at 2nd Interview

Been thinking back to my worst interview ever. I was looking to move to Boston and had already done a 1st interview via Skype. They called me in for a 2nd in person. I drove 2 hours to be bullied apparently. The hiring manager & 2 other ladies sat squished together behind a desk and I on the other side. They were giggly and distracted. They were asking questions and I was answering, but they also continued to work? Like one was responding to employees on the radio and one talked to workers walking by behind me. I was genuinely taken aback at how not serious they were being. So about 6 questions in, I finish answering and I hear a beep and a burst of laughter from the one lady's radio. She says, oops must have left it on. These people had been listening and were laughing at me!…

Been thinking back to my worst interview ever. I was looking to move to Boston and had already done a 1st interview via Skype. They called me in for a 2nd in person. I drove 2 hours to be bullied apparently. The hiring manager & 2 other ladies sat squished together behind a desk and I on the other side. They were giggly and distracted. They were asking questions and I was answering, but they also continued to work? Like one was responding to employees on the radio and one talked to workers walking by behind me. I was genuinely taken aback at how not serious they were being.

So about 6 questions in, I finish answering and I hear a beep and a burst of laughter from the one lady's radio. She says, oops must have left it on. These people had been listening and were laughing at me! I know damn well how radios work, she had purposely held the button down!

I was shocked when they asked me to wait in the lobby to have a 3rd interview with the general manager. I sat there as the front desk workers shot glances at me and literally whispered behind cupped hands to each other. This is the biggest corporate clique I've ever witnessed. I sat there for 45 minutes and I was so close to walking out. But I had this feeling that they wanted me to leave, to further laugh at me.

Finally, the hiring manager came strolling out with a laugh and came over to me. She said unfortunately the general manager isn't available and that they would call me. They never called me and I never followed up.

I'm pleased to say I got a much better offer a few weeks later. And I am always chuffed when I check our industry winners and never see them on any top lists in the Boston area. Bunch of clowns.

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