My boss drives me crazy, and it seems like management always has this attitude that their time is so important and their opinions are all that matter.
Currently working on a project that she deemed urgent, and wouldn’t accept a normal timeline on. So I dropped everything and worked on it. Then she sat on it for a week. Turns out she hasn’t actually greenlit the project with upper management yet.
Next she has “feedback.” Well, I had cleared an outline first to make sure these kinds of “feedback” didn’t come back. Apparently reading is hard? It has nothing to do my with work quality and entirely her changing her damn mind all the time.
And, she wanted to include stuff that’s simply wrong. I went down the rabbit hole and verified with another department that indeed what she wanted to say is just not true of our products.
And once again, I have to work on a hurry because of waiting on her to respond.
And don’t tell me it’s because she is so busy. She logs on at 9 and leaves at 4 and takes an hour lunch break. She works less than everyone else. She doesn’t even participate in major initiatives anymore.
I’m so tired of having management like this in my career. Corporate america is so full of asshole leaders.