
Husband asked to resign today

My husband was asked to submit a letter of resignation today. Backstory: his company sent him on an international trip for job training. He went on this trip with his supervisor. They were allotted $100 per diem, no receipts required. His supervisor encouraged him to spend the money on whatever (food, alcohol, other). Told my husband he wouldn't say anything. It's now about 6 weeks since his return and they are asking him to resign over some spending on his expense report that “didn't look good” to the company and they couldn't verify the existence of some of the stores he shopped at so some.of the charges appeared fraudulent. They haven't asked him to produce any receipts for the charges to prove what he spent and are just asking him to leave. We are in AZ. Any advice? Should he suit the letter as requested or try to dispute the…

My husband was asked to submit a letter of resignation today. Backstory: his company sent him on an international trip for job training. He went on this trip with his supervisor. They were allotted $100 per diem, no receipts required. His supervisor encouraged him to spend the money on whatever (food, alcohol, other). Told my husband he wouldn't say anything. It's now about 6 weeks since his return and they are asking him to resign over some spending on his expense report that “didn't look good” to the company and they couldn't verify the existence of some of the stores he shopped at so some.of the charges appeared fraudulent. They haven't asked him to produce any receipts for the charges to prove what he spent and are just asking him to leave. We are in AZ. Any advice? Should he suit the letter as requested or try to dispute the issue? Thank you in advance.

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