
Husbands boss *makes* salaried people work 8.5 hours a day minimum and watches to see who’s in office when.

It’s not the hours, it’s the micromanaging. I work fully remote and my entire company operates on trust. My husband works in a place where the management literally applauses the ‘last one in office’ and they have the archaic mindset that ‘hours worked’ equates to value added. I’m frustrated because this is mostly due to a few bad workers who should be put on PIPs; but instead, everyone get punished and treated like children, and there is no freedom or flexibility. It’s a tough market right now for job hunting, so we aren’t sure quitting is the way to go. Thoughts? Suggestions? As a spouse I’m just frustrated that my husband is made to be in office 8-530 every day – I’d just be grateful for him to work the classic 9-5 at this point. It just feels like they’re robbing us of the limited time we have together to…

It’s not the hours, it’s the micromanaging. I work fully remote and my entire company operates on trust. My husband works in a place where the management literally applauses the ‘last one in office’ and they have the archaic mindset that ‘hours worked’ equates to value added.

I’m frustrated because this is mostly due to a few bad workers who should be put on PIPs; but instead, everyone get punished and treated like children, and there is no freedom or flexibility.

It’s a tough market right now for job hunting, so we aren’t sure quitting is the way to go. Thoughts? Suggestions? As a spouse I’m just frustrated that my husband is made to be in office 8-530 every day – I’d just be grateful for him to work the classic 9-5 at this point. It just feels like they’re robbing us of the limited time we have together to live real life.

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