
Hybrid has made me absolutely HATEFUL…

For context, I was hired as a remote employee in summer of 2020. They recently forced us to go back to the office 2 days a week. At first I was kind of excited to get some interaction and meet everyone…but it has turned my formerly positive view of the company and management into pure disgust.. There is NO “culture” there. We don't interact with anyone on our own team hardly, let alone others. The managers walk around all smug and like they own the place without having any involvement on the floor. My manager regularly is watching YouTube and gets mad when anyone tries to get her attention for help or to ask a question (too busy playing games, watching YouTube, or listening to music; how dare we bother her with work!)…they have one microwave for 50 people and so it's either bring cold lunch, pay a ton for…

For context, I was hired as a remote employee in summer of 2020. They recently forced us to go back to the office 2 days a week. At first I was kind of excited to get some interaction and meet everyone…but it has turned my formerly positive view of the company and management into pure disgust..

There is NO “culture” there. We don't interact with anyone on our own team hardly, let alone others. The managers walk around all smug and like they own the place without having any involvement on the floor. My manager regularly is watching YouTube and gets mad when anyone tries to get her attention for help or to ask a question (too busy playing games, watching YouTube, or listening to music; how dare we bother her with work!)…they have one microwave for 50 people and so it's either bring cold lunch, pay a ton for eating out, or wait for 30-45 minutes to use the microwave then have to scarf down your meal.. They offer the cheapest, most crappy snacks (generic granola bars and chips) but recently upper management sent out an email telling people to keep tgr snack limit at 3 per day and no more (“otherwise may have to rethink offering this benefit”)…I ABSOLUTELY HATE it!! I've lost all respect for the company, my immediate managers, and especially upper management. I get to spend time and $$ commuting in order to secure their tax breaks and do 3x the work for far less pay than even my immediate, useless manager.

I'm applying elsewhere, but honestly, my moral and mental health have taken a nosedive and I'm on the verge of quitting with no backup. I know that is stupid and not a good idea, but i have become so anxious and depressed (already have a history of bipolar disorder and severe generalized anxiety disorder)….I literally went from kind of looking forward to a couple days in office to meet people and break the years of isolation, to crying and a nervous mess a full 24-48 hours before office days and losing any ounce of respect I had for management.

Sorry just had to vent….if anyone has ideas to get out of this situation as fast as possible, please let me know. Thank you for letting me get that out

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