
I absolutely fucking hate that fake corporate “kindness”

This has probably been talked about several times on this subreddit but i really just wanna vent. I despise that fake ass “friendly behaviour”managers have with their employees and customers. Like when your manager is giving those fake smiles or fake laughs when talking with customers or employees, or when they say something obvious that you know how to do it in that tone that nake it sound like they're treating you like a child, like when you ask a customer if they need help, and they say no, but then the manager comes, asks them the smae thing, they answer no, and then tells you you gotta ask customers if they need help. Bitch I'm here everyday doing the same thing everyday, don't you think I do this everytime? Do you have a brain? Oh aand when your boss tries to make friendship with you by talking about details…

This has probably been talked about several times on this subreddit but i really just wanna vent.

I despise that fake ass “friendly behaviour”managers have with their employees and customers. Like when your manager is giving those fake smiles or fake laughs when talking with customers or employees, or when they say something obvious that you know how to do it in that tone that nake it sound like they're treating you like a child, like when you ask a customer if they need help, and they say no, but then the manager comes, asks them the smae thing, they answer no, and then tells you you gotta ask customers if they need help.

Bitch I'm here everyday doing the same thing everyday, don't you think I do this everytime? Do you have a brain?

Oh aand when your boss tries to make friendship with you by talking about details of your life?

Last week my manager talked in front of all cashiers and such while i was having chat with them about a trip ill have to ireland to work and study, saying something like “If you guys ever want to visit ireland go to my name house hahaaha”
I've never wanted to rip someones head so much in my life. No one knew about my trip because i didbt teel anyone because i didnt want people know, then this fucking balded eggheaded fuck comes and throws me into the spot like that.

What makes me so angry is that it's all fake, we have a 5 fucking minute break to eat in the middle of the aftetnoon, they dont play the “store is closing warning” even though i know they have it and they never compliment our efforts and work but are ready to complain about anything everytime.

I know it sounds childish, but fuck if youre gonna act like that you should probably give us sone privileges, otherwise it's just fake.

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