
I am 24 y/o college grad and I have been fired 3 times

I am an immigrant from a low income background. I have a degree from a prestigious liberal arts college which I was able to attend by getting an almost full-ride. I am smart, capable, and kind. Somehow, I am the only person I know who has been fired not even just once, but 3 times. Needless to say, the first time was rather shocking and traumatic, but sadly, I am used to it by now. The first job was at an art gallery, the second a chain coffee shop, and the third was a studio assisting job. I understand that I was let go from the third job because the work load was heavy and better suited for someone bigger and stronger, so I was not meeting production standard. However, the first two gave me very vague and untrue reasons, which left me feeling used and confused. As a result,…

I am an immigrant from a low income background. I have a degree from a prestigious liberal arts college which I was able to attend by getting an almost full-ride. I am smart, capable, and kind. Somehow, I am the only person I know who has been fired not even just once, but 3 times. Needless to say, the first time was rather shocking and traumatic, but sadly, I am used to it by now. The first job was at an art gallery, the second a chain coffee shop, and the third was a studio assisting job. I understand that I was let go from the third job because the work load was heavy and better suited for someone bigger and stronger, so I was not meeting production standard. However, the first two gave me very vague and untrue reasons, which left me feeling used and confused. As a result, I feel anxious and paranoid about taking on any new job, scared that no matter how hard I work or how well I think I may be doing, someone could just fire me and I would have no idea how to pay rent that month. I have been fortunate enough thus far to get help from my older brother or use my savings, both of which will soon not be enough. Aside from financial instability, I feel a lot of internalized shame for having been fired at all. As a chronic overachiever, I never expected that this would be my experience post grad.
Has anyone else been fired unexpectedly from jobs they thought they were doing well at? I am not a douchebag, nor am I some spoiled slacker who comes from money. I have been working since I was 14 and been supporting myself since 18. I am so disillusioned with being in the workforce that I wonder if there is any job out there for me that makes enough money to be comfortable and doesn’t make me incredibly depressed and anxious every day.

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