
I am being quiet fired

I’m a hard worker, as in I do what needs to be get done but I’m not on my hands and knees scrubbing in-between floor tiles and kissing up to corporate. This job is not my career. It’s how I’m paying my rent as a student. I “act my wage.” I’ve been at this job for almost a year now. For the first few months, I got along fine with everyone and there were no issues. Up until recently, one of my friends who happens to be an assistant manager informed me that there were a couple of complaints about me at the manager meeting. I was confused, but he said it was about a work ethic and attitude issue. I was genuinely lost, because the two people he told me about: I only worked with one for about 2-3 shifts, and the other one I thought I was friends…

I’m a hard worker, as in I do what needs to be get done but I’m not on my hands and knees scrubbing in-between floor tiles and kissing up to corporate. This job is not my career. It’s how I’m paying my rent as a student. I “act my wage.”

I’ve been at this job for almost a year now. For the first few months, I got along fine with everyone and there were no issues. Up until recently, one of my friends who happens to be an assistant manager informed me that there were a couple of complaints about me at the manager meeting. I was confused, but he said it was about a work ethic and attitude issue.

I was genuinely lost, because the two people he told me about: I only worked with one for about 2-3 shifts, and the other one I thought I was friends with. Clearly I was more comfortable with him than he was with me, and he mistook my banter/jokes for being rude and talking back. Looking back on it, I realize how it could have come off that way so I stopped.

The hiring manager started to schedule me less and less. I was consistently scheduled for 20 hrs, to 4 hrs a week, now I’m getting 4hrs every two weeks. I tried to ignore it because I really need the money and I’m in an area where there’s a ton of competition for part-time jobs. I’ve applied everywhere.

I also requested work off about a week in advance this past month, and the hiring manager didn’t respond to my message. Then a few days ago, I requested off about 12-13 days in advance. He shot me a message back saying that I need to sign a write-up next time I come into work for requesting off NOT two weeks in advance twice now. Then he scheduled me for a single shift for the entire week— during the days I specifically asked off for.

I feel lost. I’m going to have to donate plasma or start UberEats to play catch-up with my rent because my managers have no confrontational ability. I was completely blindsided when my friend told me that they had all these issues with me. I don't know what to do.

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