
I am beyond fed up

I’ve frequented this sub quite a lot but never posted on here . I am self employed and have been working for the company I am at for 2 years . I had never intended to be self employed but as I was undertaking a course for my dream profession ( which I am nearing the end of ). The shit that I’ve put up with during my time here . Calling in sick before my shift and one of my so-called managers doing very little to find cover for my shift or get back to me until 20 minutes before to ask if I was okay to come in . I wasn’t but did anyway . I have epilepsy and was going through health issues last year which resulted in me having to cancel one of my work days . Rather than text to check in with me and…

I’ve frequented this sub quite a lot but never posted on here . I am self employed and have been working for the company I am at for 2 years . I had never intended to be self employed but as I was undertaking a course for my dream profession ( which I am nearing the end of ). The shit that I’ve put up with during my time here . Calling in sick before my shift and one of my so-called managers doing very little to find cover for my shift or get back to me until 20 minutes before to ask if I was okay to come in . I wasn’t but did anyway . I have epilepsy and was going through health issues last year which resulted in me having to cancel one of my work days . Rather than text to check in with me and whether I was okay one of the managers only reached out to ask if I could come in earlier for my next shift . Messaging me whenever I’m on leave about work matters that can wait until I get back . The latest has been issues with pay . At the start of last month I was aware that my hours had wound down due to my work ending with a client I had been working with for some time and due to my course coming to an end and dealing with the stresses that come with that. When I spoke to one of my managers he said he’d speak to another manager about it and this manager about it . She did and I was acknowledged I should get guaranteed hours which I never did nor did she ever get back to me despite telling me she would . End of the month comes and I don’t have enough to pay my bills and expenses . My flatmate had to borrow me money , I had to take out another credit card and rely on other means of financial aid . I go to my manager and explain the situation and I’m told he’ll relay this to another manager . Who doesn’t get back to me . I try calling her no answer but she has time to send me emails pertaining to meetings and whether I’ve read this months news letter . I confirmed I had and also let her know about my financial woes . She responded telling me she was busy day and evening and would give me a call the following day ( which she didn’t ) and advised me to speak to the finance manager about my invoice / financial situation .
For the past how many days I’ve been running around going back and forth between managers explaining that I have not made enough money to cover my bills ( and im even scared the same issue will follow this week) but no one seems to be taking me seriously . The finance manager who’s currently on holiday but had assured me he’d endeavour to sort something and would get back to me the following day which he didn’t . I’ve had to chase him up twice and am awaiting a response . Funny how he has the money to afford to jet off somewhere new each month whilst I’m struggling.

I’m so fed up . Why the fuck am I working if I can’t even afford to cover my outgoings / expenses .

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