
I am close to tears

I am so unbelievably exhausted from trying to get a job. I got laid off in December and since then I can’t get interviews. The only thing that’s come my way is a job wanting to interview me for -10k what I was making. I can’t survive off of 40k I can’t even survive off of 50k. I am substitute teaching during the day and working at a restaurant at night. The restaurant got shitty with the scheduling manager for scheduling me to have a day off on Saturday or Sunday once every blue moon. Cuz they want me to be available every day and if they can cut me then I’ll get a day off. I’m at this school today. The same class I was at two days ago. I left at 2:30 and they told me I could leave at 2:30 on Friday. I have an interview for…

I am so unbelievably exhausted from trying to get a job.

I got laid off in December and since then I can’t get interviews. The only thing that’s come my way is a job wanting to interview me for -10k what I was making. I can’t survive off of 40k I can’t even survive off of 50k.

I am substitute teaching during the day and working at a restaurant at night. The restaurant got shitty with the scheduling manager for scheduling me to have a day off on Saturday or Sunday once every blue moon. Cuz they want me to be available every day and if they can cut me then I’ll get a day off.

I’m at this school today. The same class I was at two days ago. I left at 2:30 and they told me I could leave at 2:30 on Friday. I have an interview for the aforementioned job at 3:30. Im due at the restaurant at 3 pm. The school just told me I have to stay until 4.

I want to cry because I need this interview and this job but if I leave the school early I get fired. I wanted to feel good about myself and do this interview and gain some confidence and not feel like a loser. It’s also the third in person interview Ive ever had and I prefer in person because I can make an impression better. Zoom interviews make me doomed. I want in person interviews. I am at my breaking point.

I don’t know what to do I’m so stressed out I’m so frustrated and I’m about to cry in this classroom. I can’t believe I have to do all of this because I cannot find a job. I have to work 7 days a week with no days off and I’m sleep
Deprived and I’m getting really depressed about my life. I cannot secure a job. My resume was fucked up by a career services woman. I don’t know how to fix it because no matter how many changes I make there’s always someone telling me it looks like shit. I don’t have insurance because I live in the shittiest country in the world so I can’t see a therapist. A can of soup costs $5 and I’m sick of being broke.

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