
I am feeling cheated and disrespected by my boss

i was offered a position in July and moved to a different department. I was not offered a competitive pay and i didn't negotiate but they offered me benefits that normally required 1 year waiting period for my department. It was not put into writing. Big mistake. After I started, my direct manager claimed to not know about this and had “to check with the director (who offered me the job)” then she came back and say the directot didn't remember offering it to me. I cannot believe my ears because even if it was not put into writing , it never occured to me they would set me up and being dishonest like that. I then started discovering I am not being offered a competitive wage either in comparison to other employees in the same department with more or less experience than me. My resentment was brewing and finally…

i was offered a position in July and moved to a different department. I was not offered a competitive pay and i didn't negotiate but they offered me benefits that normally required 1 year waiting period for my department. It was not put into writing. Big mistake.

After I started, my direct manager claimed to not know about this and had “to check with the director (who offered me the job)” then she came back and say the directot didn't remember offering it to me. I cannot believe my ears because even if it was not put into writing , it never occured to me they would set me up and being dishonest like that. I then started discovering I am not being offered a competitive wage either in comparison to other employees in the same department with more or less experience than me.

My resentment was brewing and finally felt that I couldn't let people treat me like this – i am an immigrant child and my father barely could speak any english and always told me to not cause troubles or else it will come back to me in bad ways. I took the courage and decided to take the matter into my own hand and confronted the director. He offered to schedule “an zoom call” instead of talking about this over email (why?) and also claimed he has never been dishonest with me (which clearly is a lie) . I am going one level above him and reached out to his boss and HR to report this incident and will see how this situation evolves.

Do you have suggestion or perspectives on this matter? Much appreciated.

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