
i am finally putting in my notice after several months of unfair treatment

so i work at a totally generic kids stuffed animal store ( you know the one) and i am FINALLY putting in my notice today. i loved my job when i first started. helping kids have a fun experience was awesome. then, i got offered a promotion, which i accepted. what i DIDNT know is that it would lead to the rapid decline of my mental health. i have had to stay in the store until 10pm trying to get everything on the closing list done. i have been requested that i do the job of 3 different people in light of us not having enough managers. my hours have been cut. and most importantly, my manager has been CYBERSTALKING me. yep. followed me into a public discord server, and has been screenshotting anything negative i could possibly say about work and reporting me to our dm. and i know…

so i work at a totally generic kids stuffed animal store ( you know the one) and i am FINALLY putting in my notice today.

i loved my job when i first started. helping kids have a fun experience was awesome. then, i got offered a promotion, which i accepted. what i DIDNT know is that it would lead to the rapid decline of my mental health.

i have had to stay in the store until 10pm trying to get everything on the closing list done. i have been requested that i do the job of 3 different people in light of us not having enough managers. my hours have been cut. and most importantly, my manager has been CYBERSTALKING me.

yep. followed me into a public discord server, and has been screenshotting anything negative i could possibly say about work and reporting me to our dm. and i know she may see this too.

i have HAD IT. i have had months of nothing but “you did x thing wrong” “this wasn’t done” “30 minutes is enough time to close” “no sitting down while closing!” i am DONE. for a store that employs lots of us who have chronic pain you sure have a grudge against chairs!

the only reason im putting in a notice and not “no call no showing” today is bc i need money.
hopefully i can find a better, less hate filled job for a while. wish me luck, if things go south today i’ll update.
i am very upset. i understand this sub a lot more now.

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