
I am getting fired because my bosses don’t know how to communicate

Before anything I want to make it clear that legal action is not an option, and I am pretty sure I don't have any rights here anyways but it still sucks I was hired to build out a frontend for a web application (the frontend is the part the users see when they visit the website, the backend is the part that communicates with the databases etc…) one of the partners, let's call him Larry is in charge of building the backend, our process was very simple, I work on the frontend while Larry works on the backend and when I am done I would connect everything, during the connect process some bugs could surface but in general it shouldn't take more then a week from when the backend is fully complete So I finished up the frontend and went to Larry to ask him what's up with the backend…

Before anything I want to make it clear that legal action is not an option, and I am pretty sure I don't have any rights here anyways but it still sucks

I was hired to build out a frontend for a web application (the frontend is the part the users see when they visit the website, the backend is the part that communicates with the databases etc…) one of the partners, let's call him Larry is in charge of building the backend, our process was very simple, I work on the frontend while Larry works on the backend and when I am done I would connect everything, during the connect process some bugs could surface but in general it shouldn't take more then a week from when the backend is fully complete

So I finished up the frontend and went to Larry to ask him what's up with the backend and he gave me some half assed backend that is missing most of the functionality and even the functionality I have is just dummy data (which means that from a non technical users perspective the connection is not obvious)

The other boss (John) is the one I communicate with for most decisions, it is pretty clear that John and Larry do not communicate between themselves, they keep contradicting each other on some major decisions, up until now it wasn't a big issue since John would usually go with whatever Larry decided (after I deliver the message) but now Larry is getting pissed that the product is not done, I have explained to John that until Larry finishes up the backend there is not a lot to do and I can't do anything about it since Larry is my boss and I can't tell him what I really want to tell him, i have offered to take over work on the backend but Larry doesn't want me to

So last week John snapped at me and decided that I now have to start coming in 3 times a week and early, originally this was a wfh position with me coming in once a week for an hour to touch base, going in to the office is hard for me, it's is far and I hate working there which means I get twice as much done at home, I did go in multiple times last week to speak with Larry and try put some pressure but it doesn't work (duh) and now I am out of ideas

John messaged me earlier saying that since this project is not going as fast as he thought it would he is gonna fire me if it's not done by the end of July, this means a fully functional product ready for production, this is impossible, my work is mostly done (other then connecting the parts Larry finished this week) and the bulk of the work needed is on Larrys end, like 99% of the work, even if he starts putting in 50 hours a week (instead of his current 30 minutes) In don't think he can finish it in time which means that one way or another I am being fired by the end of July, I have explained all that to both of them and asked them to speak to each other to figure out a realistic timeline but they never did, i am being screwed over by internal politics and they are not even trying to hide it

For what it's worthy John claims that if I would come in more often Larry would finish it faster, this might be true but it also means I am now a product manager which I never signed up for and for a good reason, I am a terrible manager and if I take over (assuming I can even get a way to force Larry to do his job) the project will be dead in a week

I am screwed and there is nothing I can do because if I even dare talk about it I won't get my last paycheck, I don't want to have to take someone to court just to get what I rightfully deserve

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