
I am literally watching the unintentional understaffing grt worse every week

I MEANT INTENTIONAL… ITS BEEN A LONG DAY*** I have a pretty stable schedule each week. I have been here for 4 years, at P-smart. I am a dog trainer, but trained in all departments. So that means I work in every department doing the work of about 4 people per day. Let's look at my Wednesday closing night. This is a big night for me, with 4 hour long training classes from 3pm-7pm. When I started here, after my classes I was able to help other people but there was no pressure. Each department had an employee pretty much. Stocking, register, customer service, and petcare, and me the trainer. Eventually the cashier was also the only person available for customer service and stocking/recovering. Cashier, petcare, trainer. Last week, was my normal week. There was a cashier, manager, petcare, and me in training. After my classes at 7 I did…


I have a pretty stable schedule each week. I have been here for 4 years, at P-smart. I am a dog trainer, but trained in all departments. So that means I work in every department doing the work of about 4 people per day.

Let's look at my Wednesday closing night. This is a big night for me, with 4 hour long training classes from 3pm-7pm. When I started here, after my classes I was able to help other people but there was no pressure. Each department had an employee pretty much. Stocking, register, customer service, and petcare, and me the trainer. Eventually the cashier was also the only person available for customer service and stocking/recovering. Cashier, petcare, trainer.

Last week, was my normal week. There was a cashier, manager, petcare, and me in training. After my classes at 7 I did have to help pet care and had quite a bit of pressure and stress. Wednesday's have been ass for a while now. I jump from petcsre to training to register to petcare and somehow my work is supposed to be just as good quality as if I only did MY JOB position.

Today… Wednesday, they got rid of th petcare worker and cashier Normally our Wednesday petcare closer would be here 1-9 with me and I would just help after classes. So today, I covered register until my first class at 3pm, got into petcare at 7, and was expected to do the same amount of work as the petcare worker would normally get done in EIGHT HOURS, plus 2 hours with an extra helper!!!

I admittedly could have had it done… but left just a tiny bit of work extra to make a point. I do NOT want them thinking this is okay. I quite LITERALLY did the same amount of work of two employees. Last week there were two of us. This week there was one. And I'm a trainer, not petcare.

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