
I am not anti-work, I actually enjoy working and being productive.. but I am anti-crazy

I have been working since I got my first car (16) and have been in the work force for over 25 years. I remember my first job fondly, I looked forward to it. I was lucky and grateful enough that I never fell behind on any bills or on the brink of homeless.. so every job I took I was able to choose with consideration. I love working. It's made me a stronger, better (relatively) person, grew my brain, learned a lot, boosted my creativity, but over time with the change in work culture and toxic society, I realized it is not the work that I despise, it's just the people. Put me on a project all day everyday and I would do it. Put me in a job that required inense labor, that's ok too. No problem. The moment I run into insane, mentally ill co-workers, deranged bosses, toxic…

I have been working since I got my first car (16) and have been in the work force for over 25 years. I remember my first job fondly, I looked forward to it. I was lucky and grateful enough that I never fell behind on any bills or on the brink of homeless.. so every job I took I was able to choose with consideration. I love working. It's made me a stronger, better (relatively) person, grew my brain, learned a lot, boosted my creativity, but over time with the change in work culture and toxic society, I realized it is not the work that I despise, it's just the people.

Put me on a project all day everyday and I would do it. Put me in a job that required inense labor, that's ok too. No problem. The moment I run into insane, mentally ill co-workers, deranged bosses, toxic people… this is what makes work terrible.

There's no rhyme or reason with these types of crazy people, there's no logic, no calm reasoning skills, nothing. There's only chaos, mentally deranged, and sick sick people.

I am running into more and more of these co-workers/upper management as the years go by. Trust me when I say, it's not the work, it's the unmedicated people.

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