
I am not the American dream

I don’t know what else to put on the title. At the beginning of June I lost my job in car sales. My whole life I haven’t been very good at school and tests and getting graded.(hence why I sell cars.). Anyways I found a job let’s just call it ABC company.. ABC company is a great company to work for has great benefits.ABC isn’t a card dealership but It is a sales job, so I’m pretty used to with the process. However, they have tests that must be passed before you can start selling. Well, as you can guess I didn’t do well on 2 out of 5 test I did so far. and after doing. They spoke to me on Friday . I was told I need to pass the next six test with 100% since I had to test that were not great. One of them was…

I don’t know what else to put on the title. At the beginning of June I lost my job in car sales. My whole life I haven’t been very good at school and tests and getting graded.(hence why I sell cars.). Anyways I found a job let’s just call it ABC company..

ABC company is a great company to work for has great benefits.ABC isn’t a card dealership but It is a sales job, so I’m pretty used to with the process. However, they have tests that must be passed before you can start selling. Well, as you can guess I didn’t do well on 2 out of 5 test I did so far. and after doing. They spoke to me on Friday . I was told I need to pass the next six test with 100% since I had to test that were not great. One of them was horrible with a 64%. So I’m gunna lose my job,yay.

Why even tell me pass the next 6 with 100. When my best score has been 97% I’m sure everyone’s gonna tell me that I should study more. Well I have ADD. And none of the pharmacies in the Tri-County area has had the medication for over a month so I’m doing the best with all my brains cells firing the best they can.

Honestly, I feel like I failed myself. I am not sure how I’m going to survive the next couple of months as being out of a job for so long destroyed my savings. I don’t know how I’m gonna pay my car. I don’t know how many pay my insurance I don’t know how to pay child support , I don’t know how many do anything. But all I know is that now I really don’t see what the point is all of this work if you’re just one step away from being homeless. Luckily for me I’m leaving at my mom’s house.

I hate the system I feel like I moved here from a Third World country and it’s getting worse for me. I am not the American dream, I’m the American nightmare and I’m terrified.

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