
I am ready to revolt against government

I am actually a hard worker and work 50 hours a week and got to college. I have worked since I was 15 and I am now 22. However I am starting to hate it all. I am ready to take a change. I am starting to hate everything and everyone and I hate how greedy everyone is. How much stuff we all buy to get some sort of dopamine for working so much. I buy my toys to keep my brain happy for a few days then remember how much i have to work till I died. I’m ready to revolt but i think americans are too comfortable with it all

I am actually a hard worker and work 50 hours a week and got to college. I have worked since I was 15 and I am now 22. However I am starting to hate it all. I am ready to take a change. I am starting to hate everything and everyone and I hate how greedy everyone is. How much stuff we all buy to get some sort of dopamine for working so much. I buy my toys to keep my brain happy for a few days then remember how much i have to work till I died. I’m ready to revolt but i think americans are too comfortable with it all

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