
I am starting to suspect that a previous employer is badmouthing me. How do I find out?

Hey folks, so I had this awesome job last year, in a field that I’ve always wanted to be in. I was promoted in a short period of time and did a lot to help improve my department’s output and general functionality. I promise this isn’t me just saying this, my bosses all sung my praises and gave me tons of positive feedback. Unfortunately, the place folded and had massive layoffs. I missed the first couple of rounds but eventually I was laid off too. The company eventually folded and was bought out. Now, I never wanted to believe that there could be something my boss would do, but I’m starting to really wonder. They wrote me a kickass recommendation letter, which has gotten my foot in the door several times, but without fail the jobs will seem to backtrack and do a complete 180. I was even hired at…

Hey folks, so I had this awesome job last year, in a field that I’ve always wanted to be in. I was promoted in a short period of time and did a lot to help improve my department’s output and general functionality. I promise this isn’t me just saying this, my bosses all sung my praises and gave me tons of positive feedback.

Unfortunately, the place folded and had massive layoffs. I missed the first couple of rounds but eventually I was laid off too. The company eventually folded and was bought out.

Now, I never wanted to believe that there could be something my boss would do, but I’m starting to really wonder. They wrote me a kickass recommendation letter, which has gotten my foot in the door several times, but without fail the jobs will seem to backtrack and do a complete 180. I was even hired at one place, who then ghosted me entirely when it came to starting the job.

I would chalk it up to just bad luck and move on, except I’ve been using this letter for everything. And I’ve run into old coworkers in town and without fail, (without me prompting) they’ve mentioned my old boss being petty, weird, and having a hidden mean/vindictive streak. It does kind of line up with some of the odder interactions I had while I worked there, but I don’t know.

How can I find out if there is something else going on? I just had a job reach out to me for an interview, based on my experience and skills, and then they just sent me a letter telling me they didn’t choose me, based on… my experience and skills.

I’d just like to know if I should stop using this awesome, glowing reference letter, or just chalk it up to the Way Things Be, Sometimes. Thanks in advance.

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