
I am surrounded by a team of insomniacs and caffeine addicts. Am I weak for wanting at least 8 hrs of sleep? My work requires 12 hrs of night shift and then be back in less than 8 hrs on one particular day.

Just as the title says, I am working in pharmaceutical production with long hours and rotating shifts. I don't understand how we're expected to save other people's lives by compromising our health. Everyone in my team has baggy eyes and drinks 3 cups of coffee a day including my manager. Tired workers are a risk as it is a safety sensitive position. That's how mistakes are made. I can easily commit to these conditions but I choose to be caffeine free, so I can sleep easier. I don't understand this generation. Bragging about little sleep is nothing to be proud of. On a bad day, I get about 6 hrs of sleep. Am I weak for wanting enough rest, so I can work well?

Just as the title says, I am working in pharmaceutical production with long hours and rotating shifts. I don't understand how we're expected to save other people's lives by compromising our health. Everyone in my team has baggy eyes and drinks 3 cups of coffee a day including my manager. Tired workers are a risk as it is a safety sensitive position. That's how mistakes are made. I can easily commit to these conditions but I choose to be caffeine free, so I can sleep easier. I don't understand this generation. Bragging about little sleep is nothing to be proud of. On a bad day, I get about 6 hrs of sleep. Am I weak for wanting enough rest, so I can work well?

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